2020 Annual Report
StoveTeam International
It is difficult to believe that so much could happen in one year. From hiring our first full-time field employee, to providing aid during COVID-19 for all of our local partners, to launching a successful pilot project based on a new stove model, this was the year of new endeavors and unexpected challenges. Our dedicated staff rose to the occasion with an unwavering commitment to StoveTeam’s mission and to the families we serve, but it was the steadfast strength of you, our supporters, that made it all possible.
Shelby Kardas with Doña Rosa, recipient of one of StoveTeam’s first cookstoves in Guatemala
Looking back on this incredibly challenging year, I will most remember how this family of StoveTeam supporters stepped up to ensure our mission continues - no matter what. You didn’t just sit idly by as we flew headlong into the uncharted territory of COVID-19. You answered our request for emergency food aid for factory workers and more. You responded with enthusiasm as we embarked on an all-new stove project. And, you celebrated each new initiative. This year, we want to celebrate you right back, because none of this would have been possible without you!
I know you have a lot to support right now, so please accept my most sincere thanks. Your support ensures our ability to move full force into 2021. In our 12th year, as we work to secure a safe and prosperous future for thousands of women, children, and families, we are stronger than ever, because of you! Together we will meet the challenges of San Martín Jilotepque and beyond, and we are so glad that you are part of this family.
Shelby Kardas, Executive Director, StoveTeam International
March, 2021
“I’m personally excited about this evolution for StoveTeam and interested to see how this creative agility plays out. I love the Justa [stove] as the pinnacle of culturally appropriate, technically effective, well marketed solutions for those who need it most.”
Putting boots on the ground
We began 2020 with a search for our very first in-country staff person, who would live full-time in Guatemala and coordinate stove monitoring and the expansion of our educational programs.
We found the perfect candidate! In February of 2020, Alex Eaton left his hometown in North Carolina to visit our partner projects across Central America and settle into his new home near Antigua, Guatemala.
A traveler and humanitarian by nature, Alex’s Peace Corps background and MA in Sustainability of Natural Resources have made him the perfect fit for this international role. But it’s Alex’s curiosity and genuine affection for the people we serve that allowed his position to grow from International Program Coordinator to Guatemala Country Director during 2020.
Picking up the pieces
Coping with COVID-19 in Latin America
Soon after Alex arrived in Guatemala, we received the first hints that the novel coronavirus COVID-19 would soon change our lives and our life-saving work, both at home and in Central America. Here in Oregon, our daily office routines were disrupted. We hunkered down and closed our Eugene office to save costs. We worried that the crisis and the impending economic fallout would mean an end to the generous support this program relies on. In Central America our partners were facing a much greater struggle.
Early in the spring, governments across Central America imposed strict lockdowns and our local projects in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras were forced to stop all production. While a necessary move for these countries, which have some of the weakest medical systems in the world, on the ground it meant that dozens of factory workers suddenly had no income, and in many cases no way to provide for their families.
Despite the stress here at home, our amazing family of StoveTeam donors answered our call for assistance and as a result we were able to provide emergency food aid for all workers and their families in all of our partner factory locations. This support sustained families through the early days of COVID-19 restrictions. By summer, restrictions relaxed in many regions and our partners were able to resume production. As we learned more about COVID and its devastating toll on vulnerable populations, especially to the elderly and those with pre-existing and respiratory conditions, we were reminded, once again, of the importance of our mission and the urgent necessity to improve indoor air quality for millions of people.
StoveTeam supporters stepped up
In addition to emergency food aid to support our partner projects, during COVID-19, our Spring Appeal brought in more donations than ever before! But it wasn’t until the end of the year that we learned just how dedicated you, our supporters, are to this mission.
By the end of 2020, our Year End Appeal raised over $110,000, nearly twice our previous record, and almost all from individual donations! This outpouring of support demonstrated to us just how powerful our family of supporters has become. Even when faced with troubled times here at home, you showed us that our neighbors to the south matter, and that the destruction to health and environment caused by open fire cooking is too great to ignore.
More than “Just a” stove
The onset of COVID-19 and the total shuttering of schools and the majority of our partner projects meant that Alex could no longer travel between locations or start the large-scale stove monitoring and education initiative we had planned for 2020 in Guatemala. A quick re-evaluation of our options and reorganization of resources led us to launch a pilot project to build a new stove model called the Justa (pronounced “hoo-stuh”).
The Justa stove is built in-place inside the home by local stove technicians who are trained by StoveTeam. The construction of each stove provides local jobs, and uses all local materials and transportation. Each Justa stove eliminates smoke inside the home by nearly 100%, saves kids from the risk of burns, reduces wood usage by 50%, and saves up to 15 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere!
While our partner projects still build the Ecocina cookstoves we have produced for over ten years, Justa stoves present multiple additional advantages, including an integral chimney which eliminates nearly 100% of smoke from the home and the ability to cook multiple foods at once. This project also incorporates much-needed education. In community demonstrations and during the building of the stove, technicians dedicate valuable time to educate families about the dangers of open-fire cooking, how to properly use and maintain their new stove, and about the benefits to human health and the environment of this new technology. All of this together greatly increases the likelihood that families will retire their old, smoky three stone fire - for good!
As part of this project, our local technicians are now taking digital surveys in every home, and uploading them to the cloud, including a photo of the family with their stove and the exact location of the home. Not only does this allow us to maintain communication and follow up with families much more easily, it also allows us to share this information with our supporters, helping to bridge the illusory divide between our worlds.
Portland here we come!
With two employees living in Portland, we decided the time had come to make the “City of Roses” StoveTeam’s official home. Our presence in Portland has already led to exciting new collaborations with organizations and businesses like Moda Health. We are so thrilled to see so many people from Portland becoming involved.
This year our official mailing address changed to: PO Box 14707, Portland, OR 97293
Big changes at StoveTeam
In August, we welcomed Shelby Kardas, our former Development Director, as our new Executive Director. Shelby has a long history as a nonprofit leader spanning over 20 years, including 10 years as the Vice President of World Oregon, a prominent international education organization.
In September, StoveTeam's founder, Nancy Hughes, decided to pass her role as Board Chair over to board member Kim Forrest. Kim joined StoveTeam’s board in 2018 after serving on staff for two years as Programs and Volunteer Manager.
In a letter to all StoveTeam supporters, Nancy said this about her decision:
"As you know, we are a TEAM, and I am just the face you see instead of the hundreds of volunteers, an extremely committed Board of Directors, and our wonderful staff. Under this new direction, I have every confidence that StoveTeam will continue to grow and thrive, and I am very excited to see what the future holds."
Nancy still remains involved in all of StoveTeam's activities as a supporter, advisor, and wonderful friend.
Our partners are stronger than ever
One of StoveTeam’s goals has always been to help launch sustainable stove-building projects that can flourish on their own, so that we may focus our energy on expanding into new regions. This year was more challenging than most, but in spite of it all, our partner projects surprised us by showing that they could weather the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic and come out the other side even stronger. Nicaragua factory owner Elida Olivas summed it up by saying:
“I have to work very hard but now I am creating my own business. I am so grateful because ever since I have been with the factory, StoveTeam has never stopped supporting us.”
Working with different personalities, opinions, and cultures is always a challenge, but in the end it is always equally rewarding to help support these autonomous projects and watch them grow and thrive! We have had preliminary conversations with all factory partners and they are all interested in starting pilot projects to test the Justa stove in their areas in 2021, in addition to producing our flagship Ecocina stove!
Raising awareness
The Clean Cooking Alliance estimates that the mission to provide four billion people with safe and efficient cooking methods only receives 1% of the recognition and support needed to address this issue on the scale it deserves. We believe that until the issue of open-fire cooking has achieved a level of awareness that is more in line with its devastating impact to human and environmental health, progress will be lacking. At StoveTeam we recognize that in addition to bringing lifesaving cookstoves to vulnerable families, it is also our duty to raise awareness about this issue.
Smoke from open cooking fires kills 4 million people every year, mostly women and children.
To accomplish this, StoveTeam’s Executive Director Shelby Kardas and Operations Director Forest Resener took the opportunity presented by COVID-19 to deliver over 50 presentations and speeches at Rotary clubs, conferences and events, all over video chat, during 2020!
Through the telling of this story, we encounter rooms full of inquisitive, empathetic, and often horrified faces and we are encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive response. Participants leave with a more robust knowledge of our world. They also feel empowered to join a growing movement that aims to solve a global problem faced by billions. We would love to speak to your organization as well. To book a talk please contact info@stoveteam.org.
This year we developed a series of free online Spanish lessons targeted toward advanced-beginner/intermediate level classes and individuals. Participants can use these lessons to learn Spanish vocabulary while exploring Central America’s rich culture, history and issues of poverty. This Spanish Unit also dives into StoveTeam’s work, gives teachers and students the opportunity to video chat with a local Guatemalan working as part of StoveTeam’s Justa Project, and finishes with the opportunity for groups to raise awareness and even hold a fundraiser to provide stoves.
Over a dozen Spanish teachers and native speakers collaborated with us to create the unit and the response has been amazing. Within the first month, a teacher in Portland, Oregon taught the lessons, and her small online class of only ten students raised nearly $1,000! Since then, the unit has been viewed by over 20,000 people.
Climate change and hurricane resilience
When devastating hurricanes pummeled Central America, leaving hundreds of thousands displaced, we were glad to know that every family that has received a stove is more resilient in the face of a disaster.
Our commitment to aiding in the fight against climate change has grown this year, with every $100 Justa stove now saving up to 15 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere over the course of its life, (equivalent to the average American’s entire yearly carbon footprint), and saving 50% of trees that would have been cut down for firewood!
Fuel-efficient cookstoves are an important tool in the fight against climate change and global warming that contribute to the deadly cycle of devastating storms. Project Drawdown lists fuel-efficient cookstoves as #21 in their comprehensive list of 80 of the most effective solutions to reverse climate change by 2050.
Special thanks to...
StoveTeam’s growth this year is thanks to the support of hundreds of donors, but we want to take a moment to thank some who went the extra mile to ensure our programs continue no matter what. This year we are proud to have been supported by grants from the Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund, Good Works Institute, The RoundHouse Foundation, and Rotary clubs from all over the country!
We are thrilled that our major donor program The Fire has grown to over 30 members this year.
What does being a member of The Fire mean?
A three-year commitment to a yearly donation of at least $500.
Access benefits and stay engaged.
Exclusive stories, photos and videos from the field.
Invitations to gatherings and events exclusively for members of The Fire. (We hope to meet in person in 2021!)
Insider updates on StoveTeam’s work and travel opportunities.
We would like to thank the following members of the fire.
Susan Andrist
Patti and Tom Barkin
Marty Black
Linda and Doug Carnine
Sierra and Dustin Dawson
Barbara Dumesnil
Howard and Vicky Fine
Ron and Anita Larson
Francois Lemay and Kathryn Benight Lemay
Charissa Nelson
Gerry Reicher
Eric Resener and Julie Marchini
Hilton Smith and Shirley Turnbow
Sheryl and Clayton Steinke
Jim and Babs Sullivan
Laura Van Horn
Candice Wynne
Carol Walsh
Stoves distributed
Despite this challenging year, our partners remained steadfast in their commitment to save lives through the production of safe and clean cookstoves. Between all of our partner projects we are proud to have produced 1,659 cookstoves during 2020!
This brings our all-time total to 77,959 stoves as of the end of 2020, impacting the lives of 584,692 people!
Total Income: $303,281
Total Expenses: $313,128
*Negative net income for 2020 due to grant funding timing.
Stories make the numbers come alive
StoveTeam has a long tradition of bringing home inspiring stories after every trip to visit our partners in the field. From Flavia, a 72 year-old woman who carries a heavy load of wood on her head almost every day, to Doña Lucia, who walks four hours a day carrying a basket of peaches for sale, we strive to connect with the families we were serving. We love to share these stories with you because they help us forge a deeper understanding of our work.
One family in Guatemala in particular touched our hearts. The Pérez family welcomed us into their home and we interviewed each member to learn more about how their new stove had impacted their lives. One recent development is that Leonel, the father of this family, trained to become our most recent stove builder!
When meeting these families we are always struck by the fact that they are just like us in all the ways that matter. Despite the sometimes devastating poverty, these homes are filled with love - parents want steady work and they want to provide a happy, healthy life full of opportunity for themselves and their children. In the end, we are always reminded that we have far more in common than we have differences.
Onward and upward!
By the fall it was clear that our new Justa pilot project in Guatemala was no longer just a pilot. In December we expanded the project into the region of San Martín Jilotepeque, and signed a contract to provide 5,000 stoves for families across the region by the end of 2022!
As of the end of the year, our team of local stove technicians in Guatemala has already grown to eight local people, plus one office administrator, and we are building 200 stoves each month, using all local materials and local labor.
The success of this pilot project reaffirms to us that cookstove projects are definitely a viable solution to combat the issues of open-fire cooking and climate change across Latin America and the world!
We can’t do it without you!
From signing up for our email newsletter to becoming a recurring donor “Ember”, we need your support to sustain these projects! Even reading and sharing our inspiring stories can make a big difference in the world.